On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 12:24:13PM -0500, Kris Van Hees wrote:

> I would *love* to see a CMSFS that can support things like device files so
> we can finally put /dev somewhere other than the root filesystem, so / can
> truly be made RO.  I worked on that using initrd, but cmsfs  would  be  so
> much nicer (as long as it is efficient).  Then again, if devfs keeps going
> the way it is, the need for a writable /dev may finally disappear!   I  do
> fear though that it won't go all the way :(

/dev doesn't prevent / from being read-only.  devfs sidesteps this problem
entirely, and with a normal /dev, device nodes are generally static.  If you
consider it to be useful, it is not too complex to run Linux with a
read-only root filesystem.

 - mdz

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