
> When I used the original ".ins" file from the Debian CD and changed the
> filenames according to it, the installation went smoothly until the
> first IPL. After the IPL I get a message from modprobe:
> "can't locate module eth0". I am using OSA-2.
> Is it so because I didn't load the oco.bin file ?

No, I don't think so. Since you are using a OSA-2 card this one should
be lcs-based, not QDIO-based? Since lcs is open source you shouldn't need
the OCO-modules.

> I tried to find it on the net but it was nowhere to be found.
> My distribution doesn't have it either...

Debian doesn't distribute the OCO-ramdisk due to legal concerns. You can
find a script for building the OCO-ramdisk on

But anyway, you shouldn't need it.

> I installed the base system over the network (through FTP) without any
> problems. My parmfile doesn't contain any network parameters since I
> wanted to enter them manually. Why did it work for the base
> installation and why did it not work after the IPL ?

Have a look at the end of /etc/modules.conf on your installed system. You
should see something like

alias tr0    lcs
#alias eth0   lcs
alias eth0   qeth
alias ctc0   ctc
alias escon0 ctc
alias iucv0  netiucv

Try changing this to

alias tr0    lcs
alias eth0   lcs
#alias eth0   qeth
alias ctc0   ctc
alias escon0 ctc
alias iucv0  netiucv

(removing the # from the second line and putting it in front of the
third line). Now the lcs-driver will be used for your ethernet card
instead of the OCO qeth-driver (which probably is not installed on
your system). This hopefully will fix your problem.

Jochen Rvhrig - Debian S/390 Port ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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