On Thu, 12 Jun 2003, Richard Hitt wrote:

> Hi, Jim
> Since Paul's on South African time and I'm here in California, I had a go.
> The UTS Global Tape Subsystem includes the command tapevary(8), used
> mainly to vary online a tape drive to the system.  So, "tapevary on
> 3028" varies drive 3028 online.  It causes the UTSG tape driver to
> perform an attach, and "tapevary off 3028" performs an unattach.  If I
> have  3028 varied online to one VM Linux and try to vary it online at
> another, the "Drive Assigned Elsewhere" message appears.
> So consider it verified, at least under VM.  We had a power outrage, um,
> outage, today and besides I see no recognition in our driver's code that

Hmm. Seems to me that zBoxes are dropping like flies;-)

I was at an IBM presentation the other day, where they were talking
about MTBF of decades.



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