On Fri, 13 Jun 2003, Adam Thornton wrote:

> On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 10:59, Lionel Dyck wrote:
> > Has anyone quantified the manpower required to administer a samba file
> > server compared to a windows server?
> >
> > More manpower?  Less? Comparable?
> Well, *I* find it's a lot less, but then I really much prefer CLIs and
> OSes that aren't constantly barfing BSODs at me.
> I don't know what there are in terms of studies, but there's almost
> certainly something out there saying "A reasonable load for Unix
> sysadmins is X machines; for Windows, Y machines"; that ought to be
> pretty close to an apples-to-apples comparison.

I was going to comment that Samba is a tiny bit of software in
comparison with Windows. Then, I thought, perhaps not.

Even when you add in the software you need in order to run Samba,
there's still not much there.



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