Hello from Gregg C Levine
For a change I agree. That's been happening to me, an awful lot
lately. Fortunately my ISP has retained the services of an entity
which resembles a certain group of individuals in white armor when it
comes to junk e-mail. They trap about ninety percent. And I haven't
seen a lot of those bounce and complaint messages lately. 

By the way Neale I once found that my name was attached to about seven
of those, about a year earlier. It seems a spammer had gotten his
usual allotment of discs, and found my handle there, and was gleefully
abusing my e-mail address, or so he thought. Also about six months ago
as well. So, I just wrote the usual number of complaints back. As far
as I am concerned one quotation springs to mind, "What a revolting
development this is.", seems to fit.
"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Use the Force, Luke."  Obi-Wan Kenobi
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to General Obi-Wan Kenobi )
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to Master Yoda )

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Ferguson, Neale
> Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 9:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] list admin: we're being tracked
> Hmmm, the amount of SPAM I've been receiving over the past couple of
> has gone through the roof. I'm not sure how many p-e-n-i-le implants
> been offered. (I'll just stick with the cucumber down the pants.)
Also, I've
> been receiving a lot of rejection messages for mail I've not sent
but has
> been used by virus propogators in the From: field of their mail.

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