> Someone (something?) did this for my system a long time ago, if I grok
> "ls -l /dev/dasd*" correctly. But I can't tell at first glance what
> major/minor devices are associated with the nodes.

That would probably be the courtesy pre-population I mentioned.

> oracle01:~ # dasdfmt -b 4096 -v -f /dev/dasdf1

Normally you would format /dev/dasdf (whole disk)
rather than /dev/dasdf1 (first partition).   But 'dasdfmt' is
probably smart enough to deal with this and do the right thing.
And it does appear that he made some sense of it.   Disk is 1A2?

> Invalidate first track...
> dasdfmt: (invalidate first track) IOCTL BIODASDFMT failed. (Invalid
> argument)

Never seen this.
Is the disk linked RW?

> Does dasdfmt get upset if I've already CMS-formatted the minidisk?


> Glancing into the LVM screens in YAST (yes, I'm still using training
> wheels, YAST), I see two of the five minidisks I tried to add listing --
> the three I've tried to "dasdfmt" aren't listed. It looks like I'm
> making things worse, not better. How do I make the first three minidisks
> look usable to dasdfmt (or Linux in general)?

I've never used YaST for this after installation.
Did I understand correctly that you are adding after the fact?
If so,  then I cannot say what YaST's behaviour will be.

-- R;

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