On Fri, 2004-06-25 at 08:12, James Melin wrote:
> So this swapgen utility makes the V-Disk linux ready? Does that mean it's
> formatted as swap?  What do you do then within in the Linux guest to use
> the device as swap?

Yes.  It is formatted as swap.

Within the Linux guest you then do (presuming that the swap device is

swapon /dev/dasdb1  (in DIAG mode)   or
swapon /dev/dasdb

But actually you just put the correct device in /etc/fstab and it
happens automagically.

This saves you the step of having to do a mkswap/swapon in your boot
sequence--which is no big deal, but if you're using DIAG you will need
to have CMS FORMATted and RESERVEd your V-DISK anyway in CMS before
IPLing Linux, and while you are doing that you might as well write the
swap signature.


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