Paul Edwards wrote:
>I don't want to use -m64 because that uses the
>64-bit registers for everything, but I wish to produce
>compact modules using only 32-bit registers and

OK, so let's dig into this a bit. Have you taken one or more of your
programs and compared -m31 and -m64 variants? How much more compact is the
-m31 variant? Have you got any indication(s) of what impact(s) that
difference yields, such as a performance impact? Quantifying the potential
benefit is important.

By the way, Java and Java run-times are agnostic to such issues. In IBM's
64-bit JVMs, including those for z/OS and for Linux on Z/LinuxONE, there's
an interesting "halfway house" feature called "compressed references." This
feature is automatically enabled when the Java heap size is configured
below a certain amount which varies depending on platform and JVM release
level but is never less than 25 GiB minus 16 bytes. "Compressed references"
means that Java object references are stored in 32-bit representation, so
the object size is the same as a 32-bit object. I'll let IBM explain more:

"As the 64-bit objects with compressed references are smaller than default
64-bit objects, they occupy a smaller memory footprint in the Java heap.
This results in improved data locality, memory utilization, and
performance. You might consider using compressed references if your
application uses a lot of native memory and you want the VM to run in a
small footprint."

In that particular set of use cases that IBM describes, evidently there's
enough of a benefit with compressed references in Java. Otherwise,
presumably IBM wouldn't have implemented the feature.

You could do something similar in C programs, I imagine. You'd still
compile -m64, but you'd embed "bracketed" AMODE31 code (with 2 GiB
addressing) as/where it makes performance/compactness sense, if it makes
sense. At least, that's my broad understanding of how it'd work. Moreover,
conceivably an optimizing compiler could do this for you, perhaps with some
"hinting," analogous to how IBM's JVM and JIT handles this optimization
with its compressed references.

That brings up an interesting point about running compactness tests. It'd
be best to run a couple tests using the latest releases of the optimizing
compilers, and to direct them to do as much optimization as they know how.
I know of four C/C++ compilers for Linux on Z/LinuxONE:

* GNU (gcc family)
* Clang/LLVM
* IBM XL C/C++
* Dignus

If you can run tests with them all across at least a couple of your
programs, fantastic. There's a trial edition of IBM's compiler here:

Dignus has a Web-based trial which might be enough for these purposes.
Details here:

Does anyone happen to know if expanded storage and/or data spaces would be
relevant and useful here?

Finally, I don't think there's a strong argument for *disk* storage
compactness of program modules, within reason. Apple seems to have no
trouble now distributing only 64-bit mobile apps, even if they might be
slightly larger stored on the (relatively tiny) flash media in their 64-bit
iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches. Memory and especially processor resource
efficiency could be interesting if it's significant, but maybe this is an
optimizing compiler job rather than a kernel one?

Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM Z & LinuxONE,

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