On 05/26/2018 06:36 AM, Philipp Kern wrote:
> If you link statically or if you use very few 32-bit programs on a
> 64-bit system you actually waste memory by having the library code
> duplicated in memory.

That's what they tell me.

But going whole-hog with shared libs introduces another dependency hell.
(Don't we have enough of those already?) You can't ship your
pre-compiled program without indicating a number of co-reqs at the
installation end. That, or ship whatever versions of the requisite .so
files you built against.

For a long time I took a hybrid approach. I built executables with GLIBC
shared (because it's far and away the most significant part, and the
most significant memory savings) but all /other/ support libraries
linked statically. Worked really well! GLIBC was guaranteed to be there
(until Alpine). More recently, I'm going totally static for most things.
Call it an experiment. Call it a hobby. I'm feeling out what works and
what doesn't ... and what minimizes pain for me and for my customers.

Alpine Linux challenges the traditional shared library wisdom (or did).
They link everything statically (or did). But Alpine varies two things:
First they use Musl instead of GLIBC, which is significantly smaller
from the get-go. Second, Alpine is very BusyBox-centric, which goes a
totally different "sharing" route. Even so, when I first investigated
Alpine, things were all statically linked.

Sans GLIBC, I found that my pre-compiled packages didn't run on Alpine.
Even reducing the shared reqs to "the runtime", when the runtime itself
changed I was stuck. This would be true for other distros (witness Arch
Linux or any which use uClibc).

As for me, I came to dislike shared libraries from repeated pain with
LOADLIBs in CMS. Found that things went much more smoothly if I linked
against TXTLIBs instead. I hate having to add various LOADLIBs to the
search. Things are slightly easier with Linux (because the loader
searches /usr/lib and/or /usr/lib64 and others by default.) Even on
Linux, if I bring in an executable with some req for some foreign shared
library, I'm SOL unless I snag that lib and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to find it.

But this is mostly a matter of taste. I AM NOT saying shared libraries
are inherently bad, merely challenging presumption that they're
intrinsically right.

-- R; <><

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