Closing the loop... I got the system up and running under KVM. I hadn't seen 
Viktor's message yet but I did basically the same steps.

Linux on 390 Port [mailto:LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Viktor 

>I assume it's SLES,

It is. I'm starting with a SLES guest but I have RHEL guests that I want to 
move as well.

>...because as far as I know, with RHEL the virtio drivers are mandatory.

Good to know. That'll make things easier for the RHEL systems.

>Should work if you add the following lines to /etc/dracut.conf (before
>  add_dracutmodules+="dasd_rules"
>  add_drivers+="virtio_blk dasd_eckd_mod"

I added a lot more drivers because I compared the list of loaded drivers on a 
system that I built from scratch under KVM with the loaded drivers on the z/VM 
guest I wanted to move and added all of the missing drivers.

add_drivers+="cdrom crc32_vx_s390 failover net_failover rng_core sr_mod 
virtio_balloon virtio_blk virtio_net virtio_rng virtio_scsi"

Probably overkill. I'll try again with just virtio_blk. 

>and then run
>  dracut -f
>  grub2-zipl-setup

I wanted to update grub to remove the resume=... from 
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT so I ran grub2-mkconfig instead of dracut, then 
grub2-zipl-setup to get zipl updated.

The rest of the process went quite smoothly. After I made the changes on the 
z/VM guest I shut it down, re-cloned the DASD, and then IPLed the guest on KVM. 
When it came up I logged on to the console to create the config for the new 
network device and I was good to go.

Thanks everyone for your help...

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