On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Stefan Pettersson wrote:
> On 19-Apr-99 Tobias Ekbom wrote:

> > What I wanted was a discussion about TCP/IP in computers with very
> > limited memory.

> I have written a SLIP/IP/ICMP/UDP-stack that fits in 2000 bytes program
> and 36 bytes RAM (not KILObytes) including operating system and device drivers,
> that fits in a PIC 16F84.
> So it isn't a problem to implement networking in limited memory.

I don't want to seem overly abrasive here... but in my totally speculative
opinion... THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL you could do that in 2K of memory!

I don't believe it.  I've great faith in the ability of competent embedded
systems programmers to achieve amazing feats of compact coding.  But even
if you're using lots of self-modifying code, I don't think it's possible.
There's a certain theoretical limit of the functionality that can be
implemented in a given amount of space, and I think that what it takes to
run SLIP/IP/ICMP/UDP exceeds what can be done in 2K.

I can accept being wrong about that, but it would require solid proof.

Brian "JARAI" Chase | http://world.std.com/~bdc/ | VAXZilla LIVES!!!

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