
> Yes, that'll do :) Though I should note that preserving RAID on LVM or
> LVM on RAID is not supported by setup-storage.
> For that to work, setup-storage would need to start RAID arrays to
> detect LVM on RAID and start LVM VGs to detect RAID on LVM. It currently
> doesn't do this, so it's kind of a moot point. (and it'd need to stop
> everything again before partitioning)

Well, setup-storage development is really driven by use cases and feature
requests these days, so unless someone explicitly requests that, it will not be
supported, right. Yet it doesn't seem to hard to implement, IMHO just add a few
commands with proper pre- and post-conditions to ensure things happen in the
correct order. 

> I have an idea for a new small feature in setup-storage, I'll post an
> RFC next week about it. Nothing earth-shattering but something that can
> come quite handy with RAID.

/me is getting curious ... In case you're expecting comments from my side: I'll
be travelling from Tue-Fri and might be too busy to respond during that period.


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