On 22/01/14 10:44 AM, bjoern.bec...@easycash.de wrote:

I got a drbd+nfs+heartbeat setup and in general it's working. But it takes to 
long to failover and I try to tune this.

When node 1 is active and I shutdown node 2, then node 1 try to activate the 
The problem is, node 1 already got the primary role and when re-activating it 
take time again and during this the nfs share isn't available.

Is it possible to disable this? Node 1 don't have to do anything if it's 
already in primary role and the second node is not available.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

If this is a new project, I strongly recommend switching out heartbeat for corosync/pacemaker. Heartbeat is deprecated, hasn't been developed in a long time and there are no plans to restart development in the future. Everything (even RH) is standardizing on the corosync+pacemaker stack, so it has the most vibrant community as well.

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