On Sun, Aug 20, 2000, Moshe Zadka wrote about "Re: Organizing a Linux Dinner":
> On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Michael M. wrote:
> > shalom 
> > 
> > you don't care about kosher so it's no important for anyone . right ?
> Wrong. I care about kosher very much -- I do not eat in kosher restaurants
> if I have other choices. You don't eat in non-kosher restaurants -- fine.
> We can organize two dinners...that's up to the organizers to decide.

Looks like the start of another annoying flame-war :(

Anyway, personally I also don't care about the Kosher-ness of the restaurant,
but if it means a few more people will be able to come, than I don't mind if
the restaurant will be Kosher. I realise this will give us fewer restaurants
to choose from, and potentially we'll end up with a not-the-best-possible
restaurant, but if our objective is to meet and have a good time, and not
explicitly to have a gourmet dinner, then it's acceptable.

That is, of course, unless someone is looking for a specific type of Kashrut,
and a restaurant that is not open on Saturday, which can seriously limit the
possibilities - maybe someone who cares about Kashrut should suggest a
restaurant he or she is comfortable with (but remember the vegiterianism
request too!).

Nadav Har'El                        |          Sunday, Aug 20 2000, 19 Av 5760
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