Hi folks,

after reading one full day worth of flame war on kosher, I ask everybody
involved to drop this topic and go for the idea of holding a picknick
where everybody will bring his food (as mandated by his/her religious

This solution will solve ALL of the problems ILUG talked about and we
could proceed to some more productive discussions as to where and when to
have it.


PS: Let's everybody show that you are grown up by behaving like adults and
respecting the others and finding a compromise that satisfies all
(hint: picknick).


Schlomo Schapiro

WWW:   http://www.schapiro.org

On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, Schlomo Schapiro wrote:

> Hi,
> first I would like to recommend Shlomi fot his noble act of trying to
> organize a dinner. I tried myself once and failed :-(
> Anyway, as a possible solution to all the food conflicts I again suggest
> my original idea:
> Let us make a Linux picknick. The organizers organize the fire and
> everybody can bring their own food (kosher, veggie or piggy, or even
> boiled egg...) and drink (I suppose the drink could be organized for all).
> It would safe a lot of money (for NIS 70 you get enough at any super
> market) and could be much more fun.
> For those with family it would be also better since they could bring them
> along and we would have a big picknick with a Linux corner.
> Please think about this option, I think it could help us all.
> Schlomo
> PS: I once tried to organize it (look at the archives) and will be happy
> to help again with this.
> Sincerely,
> Schlomo Schapiro
>  ---
> WWW: http://www.schapiro.org
> On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > I'd like to organize a Linux Dinner some time soon. I myself am quite
> > flexible with the date, but I think we should determine the restaurant
> > first, and then see when it can host us.
> >
> > Please send your suggestions for the restaurant to this list. The
> > requirements for the restaurant are:
> > 1. Being Kosher.
> > 2. Being in the Tel-Aviv area.
> > 3. Serving Vegetarian Food.
> > 4. Affordable. A two course meal should cost 70 NIS or less.
> >
> > I will collect the suggestions and then summarizethem and let the list
> > determine the restuarant.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >     Shlomi Fish
> >
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Shlomi Fish    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Home E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Home Page:     http://t2.technion.ac.il/~shlomif/
> >
> > I don't believe in fairies. Oops! A fairy died.
> > I don't believe in fairies. Oops! Another fairy died.
> >
> >
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