Gilboa Davara wrote on 2003-06-24:

> On Tue, 2003-06-24 at 15:45, Eli Billauer wrote:
> > Gilboa Davara wrote:
> >
> > >Here's a couple.
> > >
> > >A. Development tools and workplaces:
> > >Low adaptation gives MS power to dictate *bad* (non)standards. MS-Word
> > >is not the real problem here; MFC, DirectX, Visual Basic, C#, etc are!
> > >As developers we are forced to use non standard closed tools and
> > >libraries that can be changed without notice by Microsoft.
> > >
> > <snip>
> >
> > Agree, but not really relevant, is it? Developers are a small community,
> > which should indeed be exposed to Linux. As an Elec. Eng. I see several
> > tools running on Windows which were obviously developed under some UNIX
> > system.
> >
> Umm...
> But that's a chicken and an egg situation.
> If developers (specifically) and most other computer geeks are exposed
> to MS products and none other, what we've witnessed with Captain (yeah
> right) Internet will return ten fold... FUD o'plenty.
> In the long run this may kill the Open Source movement. (Let alone
> Linux).
Let me doubt the Captian being a programmer :-).  I stipulate that the
percent of programmers exposed to unix is much higher than the percent
of users exposed to them.  I'd guess that more than half of all
programmers in the world have written something for unix in their life
(God bless the universities ;).  Granted, this depends on the
definition of "developer", I don't mean people after 3-month courses.

Now, do you remember your feeling when you had to use some MS
develoment tool (no matter which)?  Compare that to the feeling of
using any linux development tool.  There is precisely one reason for
Unix's outstanding success: it's an OS created by hackers, for
hackers.  And it's almost perfect for them.  MS can't compete with
that, no matter how hard it tries.

Beni Cherniavsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Reading the documentation I felt like a kid in a toy shop."
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