Ok, so this last came up in March 2008. My media PC, an old system from 2001, finally bit the dust, and I've decided to take the plunge into a proper home automation and media server, ala LinuxMCE. My custom-built HTPC will arrive next week sometime, and I'm going to try give the LinuxMCE 810 alpha a shot (because I'll need support for the newer hardware). I've also ordered (from abroad) one of the last few LinuxMCE remotes and a USB-UIRT device.

I'm curious to know:

1) Who else is running LinuxMCE and what your experiences have been like?

2) What resources are available online in terms of HTPC in Israel... Yes programme guides, etc.

If this is really catching on, I'm more than happy to set up a Wiki to consolidate resources.

My own intentions involve a step-by-step approach. I'll first use the system just as a basic media server, then gradually get something going with Yes, VOIP, etc. If the 810 alpha is too unstable, I'll just run Ubuntu 9 on the system until this changes. Ultimately though, I'd love for us to crack the Yes CAM issue and do (legal) decoding on the HTPC :)


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer <dra...@wastelands.net> www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
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