> 1) Who else is running LinuxMCE and what your experiences have been like?

I tried it a few times, at the end of the day, its far away from being
complete, and i found using the relevant parts myself easier.
so I ended up using mythtv as the primary solution, if you have all kind of
hardware (x10 etc) that its quite easy to setup lirc and others to controll

> 2) What resources are available online in terms of HTPC in Israel... Yes
> programme guides, etc.

I've heard of two solutions: using something like pvr.co.il or tvxb or
fetching the epg directly from sat (as even for yes its unencrypted)

> If this is really catching on, I'm more than happy to set up a Wiki to
> consolidate resources.
there is a hometeather forum running around..

if you have a valid card reader (and a card) you can try using sasc-ng.

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