Gadi Cohen wrote:
> Ok, so this last came up in March 2008.  My media PC, an old system
> from 2001, finally bit the dust, and I've decided to take the plunge
> into a proper home automation and media server, ala LinuxMCE.  My
> custom-built HTPC will arrive next week sometime, and I'm going to try
> give the LinuxMCE 810 alpha a shot (because I'll need support for the
> newer hardware).  I've also ordered (from abroad) one of the last few
> LinuxMCE remotes and a USB-UIRT device.
> I'm curious to know:
> 1) Who else is running LinuxMCE and what your experiences have been like?
I set up a new HTPC few months ago , one thing you should be ready is
for a lot of problems with setting it up.
I preferred the Debian solution used both XBMC and Myth both worked both
had proms and cons i preferred Myth in the end.
The problems are less with the DVB but more with syncing the remote with
Yes remote (I had problems with it) , and making the MSI 8400 card work
with proper HDMI .
> 2) What resources are available online in terms of HTPC in Israel...
> Yes programme guides, etc.
> If this is really catching on, I'm more than happy to set up a Wiki to
> consolidate resources.
> My own intentions involve a step-by-step approach.  I'll first use the
> system just as a basic media server, then gradually get something
> going with Yes, VOIP, etc.  If the 810 alpha is too unstable, I'll
> just run Ubuntu 9 on the system until this changes.  Ultimately
> though, I'd love for us to crack the Yes CAM issue and do (legal)
> decoding on the HTPC :)
Are you sure that you understand what you wan't ? if you really just
wish an HTPC with YES decoding abiulity :

I don't remember the name of the person that sell them (but i remember
that he was one of the old generation of linux in IL) but there is a
specialized  hardware and software that is soled in isreal and allow you
to do it (some where near netivot).
As i remember they use DreamBox software (Just another linux distro).

Be aware that some of the employers are on this list and on
and nsp-sec forums so any of your disclose info will be put there.

> Gadi

 ------------ Boris Shtrasman -----------------
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