On Sunday 14 June 2009 14:04:38 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> >> I use a ehader.inc and footer.inc file for consistent layout across
> >> the site, and include them with PHP. The rest of the page can be
> >> either static or dynamic, as per the need.
> >
> > That's not a bad solution. My template is more sophisticated than just
> > including a static HTML header and footer, and also customises the
> > navigation menu, the breadcrumbs trail, etc. based on the current
> > location. So if you're under "software/" then the "Software sub-menu will
> > be expanded.
> Yes, my PHP includes are also slightly dynamic. Page titles and meta
> tags, for instance, are written as per the needs of the page.
> $title="Page title";
> $description="Here I describe the page";
> include_once"/blah/header.inc";


> >> Use an automatic redirect. You get the google benefit, without
> >> confusing users. Actually, I redirect www.* to * to keep the URL that
> >> much shorter.
> >
> > I had a lot of bad experience with Google and redirects. It doesn't seem
> > to work very well.
> Use a header 301 redirect only! It moves pagerank to the new page.
> Don't use javascript or meta redirects.

I used Redirect permanent. No luck there.

> This is in my .htaccess files for redirecting away from the www site:
> # www.site.com to site.com
> Options +FollowSymlinks
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}s%{HTTPS} ^www\.(.*)((s)on|s.*)$ [NC]
> RewriteRule ^ http%3://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
> Or for individual pages:
> redirect 301 /old.html http://domain.com/new.html
> redirect 301 /olddirectory http://domain.com/newdirectory/

Thanks for the tip.

> > Besides, this is not a redirect. I don't want any links to shlomifish.org
> > - only to http://www.shlomifish.org/ . As a result, I'm trying prevent
> > people from linking to sf.org without the www.
> Don't do that. Use 301 and let the pagerank bleed through. Enforcing
> your rules by annoying the user will just stop him from linking to
> you. Today, many users don't even think about www. On my most popular
> sites, less than 5% of the type-in traffic has the www at the
> beginning. That in contrast to the late nineties, when it was over
> 90%. Today's users are young, impatient, and do know know about or
> care about conventions.

Well, I didn't measure type-in, but in May this year, I had 1,843 hits for 
shlomifish.org vs. 400,203 hits for www.shlomifish.org. Most people probably 
come to my site from links from other sites, so it should not be a major 

> > I maintain my web-site's blog on LiveJournal which takes care of
> > generating web-feeds for me. There are other blog services, and you can
> > always host your own blog using MovableType, WordPress, or whatever.
> So long as it provides a simple XML format (such as RSS) it's good.
> Google loves that! But maintaining it on a different domain
> (livejournal) isn't helping your sf.org pagerank. 

Right. I've played with the idea of setting up a blog on my domain, but have 
neglected working on it, because it seems like too much maintenance. I also 
couldn't find a blog engine that I liked.

> By the way, I think
> (but am not certain) that RSS pagerank affects the root site's

What do  you mean by RSS pagerank? People linking to the URLs of the RSS/web-
feeds themselves?

> pagerank. I have not seen anyone else mention it, but experiments make
> me believe that it is so. And just look how well these social-network
> sites do, such as twitter, that have thousands of RSS feeds. It might
> be a bug in google, or it might be intentional.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
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