On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 12:51:46PM +0200, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> Let me offer another completely different idea, without any kills and
> similar tricks: End your ~/.profile with "screen -R -D"
> What will this do?
> The login shell will start screen(1), and let the admin work in it.
> If another admin logs in, he doesn't just kill the existing session - he
> also takes over the existing instance of "screen", and can see what the
> other admin was in the middle of doing.
> This "screen" will also allow the admin to have multiple screens - which
> you prevent him from doing with several separate sshs, so he'll
> appreciate "screen" anyway.
> If you don't know screen(1), I suggest you learn it - it is an
> absolutely wonderful tool.

A version or two of Ubuntu had such a setup as th default, IIRC. They
made the extra stuff added on top of screen in a separate package called
byobu. It still seems to be under active maintinance. Under Debian and
Ubuntu just install that package. I figure the scriptology there may
provide useful inspiration on other distributions as well:


Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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