On Wed, 2020-12-09 at 21:25 -0600, Brijesh Singh wrote:
> Noted, I will send v2 with these fixed.

I ran a test on this.  It turns out for rome systems you need firmware
md_sev_fam17h_model3xh_0.24b0A (or later) installed to get this and the
QEMU patch with the base64 decoding fixed, but with that

Tested-by: James Bottomley <j...@linux.ibm.com>

Attached is the test programme I used.



# Python script get an attestation and verify it with the PEK
# This assumes you've already exported the pek.cert with sev-tool
# from https://github.com/AMDESE/sev-tool.git
# sev-tool --export_cert_chain
# creates several files, the only one this script needs is pek.cert
# Tables and chapters refer to the amd 55766.pdf document
# https://www.amd.com/system/files/TechDocs/55766_SEV-KM_API_Specification.pdf
import sys
import os 
import base64
import hashlib
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from Crypto.PublicKey import ECC
from Crypto.Math.Numbers import Integer
from git.qemu.python.qemu import qmp

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = ArgumentParser(description='Inject secret into SEV')
                        help='The Platform DH certificate in binary form',
                        help='Socket to connect to QMP on, defaults to 
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if (args.socket[0] == '/'):
        socket = args.socket
    elif (':' in args.socket):
        s = args.socket.split(':')
        socket = (s[0], int(s[1]))
        parse.error('--socket must be <host>:<port> or /path/to/unix')

    fh = open(args.pek_cert, 'rb')
    pek = bytearray(fh.read())
    curve = int.from_bytes(pek[16:20], byteorder='little')
    curves = {
        1: 'p256',
        2: 'p384'
    Qx = int.from_bytes(bytes(pek[20:92]), byteorder='little')
    Qy = int.from_bytes(bytes(pek[92:164]), byteorder='little')

    pubkey = ECC.construct(point_x=Qx, point_y=Qy, curve=curves[curve])

    Qmp = qmp.QEMUMonitorProtocol(address=socket);
    caps = Qmp.command('query-sev')
    print('SEV query found API={api-major}.{api-minor} build={build-id} 


    report = Qmp.command('query-sev-attestation-report',

    a = base64.b64decode(report['data'])

    # returned data is formulated as Table 60. Attestation Report Buffer
    rnonce = a[0:16]
    rmeas = a[16:48]

    if (nonce != rnonce):
        sys.exit('returned nonce doesn\'t match input nonce')

    policy = int.from_bytes(a[48:52], byteorder='little')
    usage = int.from_bytes(a[52:56], byteorder='little')
    algo = int.from_bytes(a[56:60], byteorder='little')

    if (policy != caps['policy']):
        sys.exit('Policy mismatch:', policy, '!=', caps['policy'])

    if (usage != 0x1002):
        sys.exit('error PEK is not specified in usage: ', usage)

    if (algo == 0x2):
        h = hashlib.sha256()
    elif (algo == 0x102):
        # The spec (6.8) says the signature must be ECDSA-SHA256 so this
        # should be impossible, but it turns out to be the way our
        # current test hardware produces its signature
        h = hashlib.sha384()
        sys.exit('unrecognized signing algorithm: ', algo)


    sig = a[64:208]
    r = int.from_bytes(sig[0:72],byteorder='little')
    s = int.from_bytes(sig[72:144],byteorder='little')
    # subtlety: r and s are little (AMD defined) z is big (crypto requirement)
    z = int.from_bytes(h.digest(), byteorder='big')

    # python crypto doesn't have a way of passing in r and s as
    # integers and I'm not inclined to wrap them up as a big endian
    # binary signature to have Signature.DSS unwrap them again, so
    # call the _verify() private interface that does take integers
    if (not pubkey._verify(Integer(z), (Integer(r), Integer(s)))):
        sys.exit('returned signature did not verify')

    print('usage={usage}, algorithm={algo}'.format(usage=hex(usage),
    print('ovmf-hash: ', rmeas.hex())

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