On 02/12/2014 05:19 AM, Andrew Morton wrote:

There are three locks involved in two sequence:
a) pm suspend:
        console_lock (@suspend_console())
        cpu_add_remove_lock (@disable_nonboot_cpus())
        cpu_hotplug.lock (@_cpu_down())
But but but.  suspend_console() releases console_sem again.

Console_lock does not refer to console_sem but console_lock_dep_map. Its name 
is console_lock. Suspend_console() does not release console_lock_dep_map.

So the
sequence is actually

        down(&console_sem) (@suspend_console())

           acquire(&console_lock_dep_map) (&suspend_console())

        up(&console_sem) (@suspend_console())
        cpu_add_remove_lock (@disable_nonboot_cpus())
        cpu_hotplug.lock (@_cpu_down())

So console_sem *doesn't* nest outside cpu_add_remove_lock and

Add console_lock in the sequence.

b) Plug-out CPUx:
        cpu_add_remove_lock (@(cpu_down())
        cpu_hotplug.lock (@_cpu_down())
        console_lock (@console_cpu_notify()) => Lockdeps prints warning log.

There should be not real deadlock, as flag of console_suspended can
protect this.
console_lock() does down(&console_sem) *before* testing
console_suspended, so I don't understand this sentence - a more
detailed description would help.

After suspend_console(), console_sem is unlocked, but console_lock_dep_map has 
been acquired.

Best Regards,

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