On 29.04.2015 01:12, John Stoffel wrote:
>>>>>> "Havoc" == Havoc Pennington <h...@pobox.com> writes:
> Havoc> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Theodore Ts'o <ty...@mit.edu> wrote:
>>> I find dbus to be extremely hard to debug when my desktop starts doing
>>> things I don't want it to do.  The fact that it might be flinging around 
>>> hundreds
>>> of thousands of messages, and that this is something we want to encourage,
> Havoc> This particular argument doesn't resonate with me ... if dbus
> Havoc> is hard to debug, it's not as if "ad hoc application-specific
> Havoc> sidechannel somebody cooked up" is going to be easier.
> When Ted is saying it's hard to debug... then maybe it's a bit crappy
> in design or implementation?  

There is a very nice tool to debug the traffic for kdbus.


Also the patched wireshark makes it as easy as analyzing network traffic.
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