IMHO this and other questions as such scream out for
a welcome to linux heres the basics of unix commands
thru to more complicated stuff book, hopefully that
Rute manual acheives this, maybe all 'newbies' should
be pointed here before they start installing linux :-)

p.s. about the dir thing ;-)  
  alias dir='ls -al'


> From: stringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2002/08/26 Mon AM 09:35:18 GMT+12:00
> Subject: Newbies problems
> Hi all,
> I thought that was a realy good thing Andrew Tarr did with the Directory
> Structure.
> What I found most frustrating at first was getting to grips with the
> acronyms. Dir for directory was obvious, but in Linux it was called ls.
> It was some time and several books later I discovered it stood for LiSt
> files!! Now if someone had told me that at the beginning, I'd have
> remembered it no trouble.
> Similarly, pwd - Print Working Directory. Obvious what it does when you
> know what it stands for.
> I see some having trouble with the email acronyms, such as AFAIK, IMHO,
> IIRC, ROTFL and so on. This really was a bad habit generated by one finger
> typists (IMHO!). What does it really take to write "In my humble opinion"
> "As far as I know" "If I remember correctly" "Rolling on the floor
> laughing"? Or at least "In my HO" to give a clue?
> OK, I know some people are not good typists, but we all have to learn, eh?
> But more important, we should avoid using acronyms when answering posts in
> case newbies are reading them too, and especially when answering a newbie's
> post.
> Don't mean to offend anyone, just my 0.02c worth.
> David Stringer

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