Nick Rout wrote:

> Now this I like, someone who actually went out and read a book or a
> tutorial on the net and worked something out for himself. Yes, some of
> the command line commands have very short and cryptic names. Remember
> they were probably developed on teletype machines or terminals running
> at 1200 baud (or less?) by people who used the command line all day
> every day. hence tr=translate, cp=copy, mv=move, ls=list,  Now where the
> hell did they get awk, glob & grep from?

awk: Aho, Weinberger, Kernighan, (I think). The guys who wrote the 
program.  Kernighan also co-invented the C programming language with 
Dennis Ritchie, who co-invented UNIX with Ken Thompson.

  I'll be doing a brief introduction to UNIX history in my talk (See! 
It's not going to be *all* command line stuff :-)

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