
If you want a 'low geek' server ie: easy(ish) install, hassle free(ish)
updates etc..  RedHat + RHN subscription is hard to beat.  

If you don't mind a bit more fiddling Gentoo or Debian are good for
updates with Debian having a longer track record.

If this is for a medium to large business RedHat will be the better
option, because written DRP documentation for Gentoo or Debian is never
going to pass peer review unless the entire company is very Linux aware.

Having said that, if you're talking about a small business, and you've
got some keen staff you can use any distro as a server

Just my $0.02 worth.

Chris H.

On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 09:55, Tom Munro Glass wrote:
> Following on from the distro wars, anyone got any comments about the best 
> distro for a production server?
> I'm soon going to be setting up a Linux server which marks the beginning of a 
> migration away from Win2K servers. The server will be used for file, print, 
> web, database, and groupware. I'm considering a Dell PowerEdge 600SC with 
> RedHat 9 installed with command line only. I'm considering using a second 
> cheaper machine which will be rsync'ed to the server for backup.
> I get the impression that most people on this list are using Linux on 
> desktops, but any hints or advice about setting up a production server would 
> be much appreciated.
> Tom Munro Glass

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