> Of course this _is_ the more expensive of the two cards on offer
> (XH6828)

Bloody expensive. And DSE don't have anything in PCI.

> [1] DSE do have a habit of providing a fixed version of linux drivers,
> and do not update their downloadable. IMHO they would be better to
> provide some simple info like "this card works with the madwifi driver,
> and if that driver is not provided by your distribution you can download
> it from madwifi.sf.net" or "this card works with the airo driver which
> is included in the linux kernel, the module is named airo_cs" or "this
> card has no linux drivers but you can use it in linux in conjunction
> with the ndiswrapper driver... etc"

Ack ack, that would *really* help, but I guess someone has to put the
effort into making sure the info is correct, or there's liability


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