On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 21:02 +1200, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
> > [1] DSE do have a habit of providing a fixed version of linux
> drivers,
> > and do not update their downloadable. IMHO they would be better to
> > provide some simple info like "this card works with the madwifi
> driver,
> > and if that driver is not provided by your distribution you can
> download
> > it from madwifi.sf.net" or "this card works with the airo driver
> which
> > is included in the linux kernel, the module is named airo_cs" or
> "this
> > card has no linux drivers but you can use it in linux in conjunction
> > with the ndiswrapper driver... etc"
> Ack ack, that would *really* help, but I guess someone has to put the
> effort into making sure the info is correct, or there's liability
> trouble.

They disclaim liability all over the show anyway, at present they
provide a (soon outdated) driver for download, and they obviously test

I am just thinking a pointer to the driver's web page or other
information about where to get the driver is likely to be a better
service, in that you can get the latest.

Their current approach is like putting the sources for kernel 2.0.0 on
your site and saying "we mirror linux". You are far better to point to


1. the disclaimers; and
2. the "swap out" money back guarantees that they offer in any event

I see no downside for DSE in providing a pointer to the latest and
greatest driver website, instead of stuff that ages quickly. After all,
isn't that one of the reasons why that smart fella invented the www?  

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