On Mon, 2010-07-19 at 23:21 +1200, Christopher Sawtell wrote:
> Traffic costs only for computer to computer worldwide. Piffling for
> voice, and the quality far exceeds that of the POTS system. I have
> used it for far too many hours to be able to say how many. It works a
> treat. Linux version available.

It depends if you want a replacement for your traditional phone or are
happy with computer to computer calls.

I would recommend a real VoIP service (SIP based) over Skype any day.
Real phone numbers, real phones, and typically better quality.

Skype may also use up significant bandwidth just by being running, even
if you aren't making calls.

And to be completely clear; I do have an interest in this. We could sell
Skype hardware if we wanted but chose not to.

New Zealand's Open Source Hardware Supplier

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