>  Has anybody successfully ran ASP applications with apache in
> Linux/390 platform. I did find out about ASP2PHP from Alan
> Cox earlier. I am actually now looking to run ASP under
> apache without any conversion.

Jim Elliott mentioned a couple tools when you asked your first question (the
Halcyon tools). I know one organization that is using them, and they seem to
like them well enough; caveat being that they write most of their own apps,
and by doing so, control the source to their apps. I've heard mixed
reactions for binary-only ASP apps.

Most of the customers I deal with are more interested in getting out of the
business of using ASP due to exactly the problem you're facing: you're
locked into Windows as a platform, and you don't have any good options to
get off Windows when MS starts jacking up the prices. Some "open" system,

You might turn the question around and ask for PHP support for Windows.
That actually works pretty well...8-)

> Is any of the third party
> applications like ChilliSoft has been ported to Linux/390?

Rumor has it that they're working on it, if not already in beta with some
small number of testers.  Nothing public that I've seen, though. It
shouldn't be too tough -- the API isn't that complex.

> Also ChilliSoft does not support the latest ASP
> specifications. How would it impact any enhancements in ASP
> based Web Applications?

It's an emulator, and as such will always be a little behind.  After all,
they can't anticipate MS' twists and turns any more than the rest of us.
Another good reason to turn the problem around and use a toolset that you
have some input into the design...8-).

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