On Tue, Oct 03, 2006, Misha wrote:
>> There are users depending on EPIC being as closely compatible to ircII
>> as possible. Gratuitous incompatibilities shouldn't be introduced. I
>> believe this kind of change would be a gratuitous incompatibility. /SET
>> REVERSE_STATUS_LINE neither halts EPIC development nor is a considerable
>> code bloat.

> Yeap, it's just like fifth leg for a chair =)

> EPIC have already introduced more breakage to default ircII behaviour
> than that. For example -B is now default option (and AFAIK in ircII it
> is not). Reverse status line do something for the coder, which coder
> must do himself, I believe so. And adding extra ^V to theirs set
> status_format won't hurt anybody, but let EPIC to remove another
> unused and not necessary option.

How about a compromise - having an initial ^V in the default `/set
status_user' value, but removing the /set and not prepending new values
with ^V?
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