On Thu, Oct 07, 2010 at 01:59:35PM +1300, TiM wrote:
> > Hello. I used to use old BitchX, but it is horribly outdated and has
> > security holes so I am trying Epic (Client: ircII EPIC4-2.10 (Commit Id:
> > 769) (Internal Version: 20080329)). I am trying to configure Epic to be
> > like my old BitchX.
> >
> > Here are two newbie questions even after reading online help and
> > Googling:
> > 1. How do I change my auto away/AutoGone time values? I cannot find any
> > settings for this.
> > 2. How do I save my settings after changing settings like using "/set
> > output_rewrite [$strftime(%H:%M:%S)] $1-" command. In BitchX, /save is
> > enough into its default file. Epic seems to save into a requested
> > filename (/save -all filename). Doesn't Epic have a default saved data
> > file for it to load by default? If not, then how do I load settings
> > manually. I don't want have to keep reloading my saved settings. :(
> >
> > I might have more questions later on as I learn to use Epic more.
> epic is designed to be more of a framework for scripters to build on.  By
> itself out of the box, things like saving settings and auto-away etc don't
> exist.  This is more true for epic5 than epic4 though, epic4 as you've
> noticed does have some functionality like this (i.e. /save)
> BitchX on the other hand, is like the epic client with a built-in script. 
>  For epic4 there are a number of good scripts that'll make your life
> easier.  You can find a list of them at
> http://scripts.epicsol.org/list.php
> I would highly recommend Amnesiac, it's epic5 only though.  I would also
> recommend LiCe, there's version for epic4 and epic5.  I am biased in
> recommending LiCe though, as I currenly maintain it.
> To answer your question re the epic4 built in save command.  If you put
> the contents of that file into your .epicrc in your home directory, it
> should do as you want (.epicrc is loaded when you first run epic)

Thanks. I will look into them as you suggested. :)
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and for all... and we have to take the suffering upon ourselves... 
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and over all the ant-hill!" --Fedor Dostoevsky
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