On 10-Mar-99 Ronda Hauben wrote:
>  This gives the sense that these are delegates of the Internet 
>  community. They are *not*. The Internet community is being 
>  disenfranchised by the whole process of the ICANN which is
>  in itself an unauthoritized activity of the U.S. government
>  acting outside of any legitimate channels.


Being on a number of forums relating to domain names and other forums not
directly related but where they have been discussed, I don't see the evidence
that the "Internet community is being disenfranchised by the whois process of

Can you please provide references for your basis in making this blanket

Or is it more appropriate to say you disapprove of any process that removes
control from the governments?

Ronda, the trend in government is for DEREGULATION and PRIVITIZATION, two
concepts that seem at odds with your own personal political views.  But I don't
see much of a groundswell of support for your positions, and frankly think you
are just trying to be grandstanding.

E-Mail: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 10-Mar-99
Time: 11:11:30
"We may well be on our way to a society overrun by hordes
of lawyers, hungry as locusts."
- Chief Justice Warren Burger, US Supreme Court, 1977

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