On Fri, 19 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Are you saying you think a Perl script is a binary executable?
> You must have quite a liberal web host if he permits execution of arbitrary
> binaries on a shared server!
> Facts are a wonderful thing.

No. Traditionally to execute a script you have a the first line of the
script as something around the lines of;


which if the script file has a mode of at least 0111 or at least the
executable bit set (that mode 0111 is world exec.) than the first line is
interpreted. That command can be anything, granted on some OS' there are
restrictions such as chroot() environments and other things like freebsd's
jail() system calls which can limit the ammount of calls but typically any
command can be run permissions granting. a perl script isnt just magicly
interpreted. And for the matter anything put inside a cgi-bin that the
owner of the web servers process has system permissions to execute can be

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