
A substring function

; substring of length len & from position ini (included)

substr: func [str [string!] ini [integer!] len [integer!]] [
    copy/part skip str ini - 1 len

At 12:55 p.m. 30/11/99 -0800, you wrote:
>I am new to Rebol and need some help dealing with strings.  I've looked
>for examples but can't find any - so I would appreciate it if you could
give me
>some advise or point me to an example. Here's the problem:
>I need to pick out sections from a string that fall between 2 "key"
strings.  For
>example, say I have a string like this:
>What I need to do is select out the value "88888" that falls in between the
>substrings "key1=" and "key2", and also select out the value "44444444"
that is
>between substrings "key2" and "key3".
>There is no fixed length for the fields that need to be selected out.  The
>thing you know are the keyword strings "key1", "key2" and "key3".  However
>will be arranged in order as they are shown in the example.
>Basically what I need is a "substring"ing function of some kind based on
>strings.  I imagine this is a common thing to do - so could someone point
me to
>an example or post some code.
>Thanks, jw
>stay fun.

Luis Marzulli
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