> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >   Personally, I'd like to do all of my web development in Rebol/Core,
> >but it's looking like I'm going to need to create and access some MySQL
> >databases. Now I can do that with PHP, but not Rebol/Core, and I have no
> >idea when Rebol/Command is going to actually show up. 
> Er, can you use PHP to gateway between Rebol and MySql? ( a Rebol script
> to read a PHP page, and post to a PHP form?
> -------
> Regards,        Graham Chiu

Having done something similar with ASP and MS-SQL Server 7, using ASP to
fetch pages to a server, and then using ASP to parse them (by requesting
the asp page with the file name as the parameter) and spit back a
success/fail message, and then having Rebol take the appropriate action
(deleting the file because it was inserted successfully, or emailing the
admin about a failure, and leaving the file in the queue to be reprocessed
the next time around)

I can say it works.  It's ugly, but it gets the job done.  On the other
hand - what [EMAIL PROTECTED] is trying to accomplish is just better
done in PHP alone.  Why bother to add another layer on top of it?  Just to
use Rebol?  That kind of solution flies in the face of the Rebol

K       I       S       S

Keep it Simple, Stupid.

The simple solution is usually the best, and most correct one.  When
Rebol/Command comes out, and you can access deeper functionality using
Rebol - then will be the time to give it a whirl to provide dynamic web
pages with a database back-end.  Remember, just because you can do
something doesn't mean you should.

- Porter

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