>        So, Daniel: what do you see if you do what-dir in the
>        other script?  Can you change-dir?  What are the
>        system/options/path, and system/script/path values?
>        Can your script write out a test file, if so, where
>        does it show up?  


All the above works as intended when launched with the Rebol
However, when called from a cgi-script, a change-dir in the regular
script yields :

** Access Error: Cannot open /c/winnt/. **

BTW, the same change-dir (change-dir %/c/winnt/) in the CGI script
does not work neither and results in the same error.

The external script runs in its own directory [system/script/path].
The CGI script runs in the cgi-bin as defined in httpd.conf (Apache on

In both scripts, if I write print system/options/path, I get
** Script Error: Invalid path value: path.
** Where: system/options/path

>        The exists? function actually makes this determination
>        by attempting to open a port to the file or url your
>        specified.  If opening the port results in an error it
>        does not exist (for all practical purposes that's true
>        as far as REBOL's concerned there)-- otherwise it does
>        exist.  Point being that other things can make it
>        appear to not exist. 

>                  -jeff

>> > Just  a  guess, but does the  same  happen if   you add a
>> > trailing slash, ie: print exists? %./
>> Yes it does.  I  guess it has to  do with file permissions.
>> I'm  running NT, the script   does some stuff on files  but
>> it's  local.  The rebol script  invoked with the do/args is
>> outside of the cgi-bin directory defined in Apache. Is this
>> a problem ? (it runs fine, it just  seems oblivious to what
>> local files pertains).
>> daniel


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