On Monday, November 13, 2006, at 08:02  am, Donna Jones wrote:

Hi - i've been looking at PayPal lately and thought i haven't done a cart I've seen that PayPal automatically sets the target in the form. If I was setting one up, I would just take that out (test to make sure it still worked, I would think it would) and then you'd just be opening in the same window, which feels much better.

I've tried using the same window but when using the new window a 'continue shopping' button appears which is not there when using the same window.

Concerning the other posts, I would go along with the html 4.01 option because that doesn't fudge the standards issue. Having said that, using the Paypal cart is not my ideal solution so there is a case for using the transitional standard.

I don't suppose there's any reason why I shouldn't keep coding to xhtml 1.0 but specify html 4.01 when I need to use the target attribute.

I have seen the script that Andy posted and felt it was a hammer to crack a nut. I already have a script for opening a new window.

I don't want to start a rerun of the javascript fudging standards argument but does anyone have the url of a favourite article on the subject?

Thanks for everyone who's posted. Its given me food for thought.
Chris Price

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