I also noticed on my Mom's meds the symbol for microgram is MCG.

S/V Bandersnatch
Lying Julington Creek
30 07.695N 081 38.484W

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jim 
To: liveaboard@liveaboardnow.org
Sent: 11/18/2008 8:15:58 PM 
Subject: Re: [Liveaboard] Battery Discharge Depth

Norm of Bandersnatch wrote: 
I recall a long time ago I was taught that units above one were to be upper 
case (Meg, Kilo) and less than one were to be lower case (milli, micro), a 
standard that appears to be followed in many cases.

We wouldn't use mHz for mega Hertz, so it should be "KWh".

S/V Bandersnatch
Lying Julington Creek
30 07.695N 081 38.484W

ยต (lower case greek mu) is the symbol for micro in electronics.  Lower case m 
for milli.

Just FYI.

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