On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 7:54 AM, Jeremy Huntwork
<jhuntw...@lightcubesolutions.com> wrote:
> On Jul 27, 2010, at 9:58 AM, William Immendorf wrote:
>> What I think we should do is:
>> 1. Clean up the build scripts so that they are more maintainable, if
>> anyone wants to do that soon, that would be really helpful.
> Well I recently did clean them up. They are about as clean now as they're 
> going to get (I think). What I think might need to be discussed is if an 
> entirely new build methodology is in order. Some time ago, I brought up the 
> possibility of using package management to ease maintenance of the CD. We 
> started (a very small start) down this path but never followed through.

I did try to fix the script back in the 6.4 days to build seamonkey,
but they were so confusing to me at the time that I couldn't, and I
was a lot less knowledgeable than currently. I for one would fine this
useful, though I think if you all do want to look at some form of
package management you should look at the Linux Live project. This is,
in my opinion, the cleanest way to do things and could even allow a
bit of flexibility if one doesn't want to recompile a certain part of
the CD, but others.

I would look in to helping get the CD up and running once more, but
soon I know I'll be lacking time.

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