On 7/28/10 11:00 PM, Thomas Pegg wrote:
> I think describes what I think the CD should be to me. Very simple
> doesn't need to be fancy.
> Break it down to just a bootable system with a web browser (text, not
> graphical simplifies maintenance) and all sources you need.

Alright, then we'll make that the main purpose, and we'll keep that 
purpose clearly stated somewhere. Any future decisions about the CD 
would have to fit in with that purpose. I was waiting to see if there 
would be any more comments, but I guess we're in agreement.

So, given that, I think we can move to trying to define the contents of 
the CD. Dan, I thought your idea of a survey was generally a good 
suggestion, but I don't know if we need to do that just yet. Perhaps 
after we finish discussing a general direction we can ask for 
input/suggestions from outside this list.

So, a few thoughts about content:

1. Obviously, the CD needs to fit the base requirements of LFS. The 
easiest and traditional way of achieving that was to have the CD be 
built using the same commands and packages as the LFS version it is 

2. Support as much hardware as is reasonably possible. Basically, build 
all stable drivers as kernel modules. Add some basic tools for advanced 
disk configuration, e.g., mdadm, LVM2. And add as many userland disk 
utilities as is reasonable, e.g., xfs, reiserfs, jfs...

3. Provide tools needed to find answers online and get support. LFS's 
main channels of support are the lfs-support mailing list and IRC. So we 
need at least one IRC client. Many users will be able to read and send 
mail through a browser. But should we include a mail client for those 
that can't?

And that's essentially it, I believe. All of the above can be achieved 
without X, and that would definitely be easier to maintain. However, I 
must concede that X is much easier to work in (if you're not used to a 
text browser or irssi, for example).

So then, if we provide X, I think we should keep that environment _very_ 
simple. The question becomes how that is achieved, exactly.



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