On 25/09/2016 08:45 πμ, Alkis Georgopoulos wrote:
> On 25/09/2016 01:49 πμ, David Groos wrote:
>> Based on the output at the end of updating the image:
>> Removing /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/vmlinuz-3.19.0-68-generic
>> it appears the old kernel was 3.19.0-68.
>> I'm going to research downgrading the kernel. Would you recommend trying
>> that as the easiest/safest fix for this?
> I think that means that you have Ubuntu 14.04, and that you had the
> linux-image-generic-lts-vivid kernel.
> So try with:
> sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-vivid
> and then reboot and select the 3.19 kernel from the grub menu.
> Many kernels can coexist; you don't have to remove the new 4.4 one.

Btw, do you use LDAP or AD or something similar?

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