Hi All:

This idea about body resonance seems to beg the question, what would the
dimensions of Lute body intended to be tuned to A-440 be?  It seems to me
that someone has done some sort of analysis on this subject some where,
determining  what shape and air mass produces what essential tone.

Vance Wood.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jon Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "lute list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Ed Durbrow"
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 11:35 PM
Subject: Re: Electronic tuners

> Wow Ed,
> I had read James' message and found it logical, but was unwilling to relax
> the strings and need to retension them (and accept the tuning problem of
> stretch factor). Thought I'd check the resonance next time I had to adjust
> the instrument. Didn't think of damping them. Just tried it and found
> resonances at certain pitches, which I haven't catalogued as I'm yet to
> dinner and answering email. But I've got a strong vibration at C# (not the
> best pitch to choose), and it seems the secondarys are about a third or so
> apart. But I'll figure that at my leisure.
> Thanks to both of you, James for the instruction and Ed for the simple
> method. (And James, I'll have to check my guitar also).
> Best, Jon

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