Arto, perfectly said. That is my experience with tuning the harp ( and now
that I tune the lute with the tuner I find even more difference - as you
mentioned). Lute players have a similar problem to that of we double strung
harp players, and that is "paired courses". Your ear must be the final
judge! I have to use the machine for my 2X harp, there are 26 courses to
tune (52 strings). But often I can get a perfect reading from the machine on
a pair, yet hear a difference. Perhaps a bit of difference in the string
mechanics, or something else - but your ear, and playing scales, is the
final arbiter. The machine is a guide.

Best, Jon

> I think this is just one of the problems with the tuning machines:
> The starting sound of a string/course is different from the sound
> already a second or couple later (I think it is higher in the start).
> And with a lute the sound becomes much more quiet very soon. If you
> tune your lute according the "late" sound, your audience will still hear
> your too high starting sounds... This is one reason of using your ears
> instead of machines: you use your ears, your audience use their ears...
> Best regards
> Arto

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