I recall having seen both 5 and 6 course specimens of the now (in folk
   music) so popular Irish bouzouki. It has shed its lute-like bowl body
   to a more flat back "bandurria" one. Could this now be called a modern
   On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 12:39 AM, Braig, Eugene <[1]brai...@osu.edu>
   Very much indeed.   It was also originally introduced to Irish music
   via bouzouki proper, like 45 or more years ago, and later morphed into
   a mandola-like thingy within the Irish-music context.   Alec Finn was
   another in that first wave of Irish bouzouki advocates.
   . . . Not to mention the theft of the word "cittern" for yet another
   mandola-like thingy in the same context.   But that's perhaps stepping
   even further aside.



   1. mailto:brai...@osu.edu

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