> I can polish this and add lyx2lyx.
What does lyx2lyx do with layouts it doesn't recognize (i.e., ones I
custom-defined)? That's what this would be, basically, unless you want
to convert it to the ERT hack or whatever.

It would be nice to convert it to something like

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Note Note
status open

\begin_layout Standard
End Environmnet



> I wrote this for my own use but if
> there is a bug report for it, I guess I can make this official. Is
> this something you want for 1.5.0?
The enhancement was something for which I asked, actually, but this
question comes up fairly frequently on the user's list. So I think it'd
be nice to have, and since it's just a layout, it's not like it's a big
deal so far as the code is concerned. You could probably put it in
stdclass.inc, as it is going to be useful in almost every case.

I do not know why but stdclass.inc is not included by many layouts
like amsart and beamer. If there are good reasons for that, I can add
endenvironment.inc and include it in these layouts.


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