Charles de Miramon wrote:
I think that what is needed is a standard mechanism to enter in a friendly
GUI way structured information in LyX like titlepages, frames in
beamer,multiple choice questions, etc. The gui form would be stored in the
layout and when you create a new beaamer frame (title page, multiple choixe
entry) the ui form would be displayed and you could enter title, subtitle,

LyX is limited by the dropdown style list copied from wordprocesssors that
works for paragraph formatting but not for structured information.
An idea:
What if the .layout could specify document-specific insets?
They would be listed on the insert menu, and show up
in the GUI as boxes with whatever caption the .layout
specifies.  The .layout should also specify latex code to be
generated, and enforce some structure with simple rules
about how they nest.

Could something like that do the trick for beamer?  (I haven't
used beamer myself . . .)

Helge Hafting

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