Andre Poenitz wrote:
On Sun, Nov 11, 2007 at 04:39:22PM +0100, Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:

If you have serious concerns about this (probably due to the
past experience on developing LyX), the best solution would
be a "summing (balanced) tree", that would exhibit O(log n)
complexity for little updates like needed in 1) [not sure about
1.a], but probably you won't avoid the O(n) updates in case of
2) or 3).

I think loading/resizing in 4 second is ok.

I disagree with that. Loading should be as fast as possible and resizing should be instantaneous. Or we just switch to implement a WISIWIG processor. There are a lot of good things in Tommaso's patch but the initial calculation of all ParMetrics is not one of those. The TextMetrics API additions are nice but are orthogonal to our scrolling problem.

20 is rather not.
I know, it's not that bad, I am exaggerating. And of course
one could provide some more versose status message (as in 23/5490
paragraphs done) giving the impression that 'something' happens...

That's the thing I hate most about MSWords: continuously waiting for the re-pagination to complete. We don't need a *perfect* scrolling behaviour, just a sensible one. A simple cache of paragraph height would do the job and I wish Tommaso had followed this direction instead.


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