>       (LanguagesXXX): the kbmap choices now contain the files 
>       sytem_lyxdir/kbd/*.kmap. I think that these choices should eventually
>       be replaced by an input with a file browse button, but since the browse
>       buttons don'y yet work, this'll do for the moment.

The items in the combox shouldn't have the full path and the kmap extension,
namely, it should be

instead of

>       1. Does "Apply" remove formats if no longer present.

It doesn't, becuase you didn't put formats_vec.erase(it) in

BTW, in FormatsInputBrowser() (and other places) you do something like

string name = fl_get_browser_line(formats_->browser_formats, i);
vector<Format>::iterator it = find_if(formats_vec.begin(), formats_vec.end(),
                                      compare_memfun(&Format::getname, name));
if (it != formats_vec.end()) {
          fl_set_input(formats_->input_format, it->name.c_str());

why aren't you doing it the way I originally did ? namely

int i = fl_get_browser(formats_->browser_formats);
if (i > 0) {
          Format const & f = formats_vec[i-1];
          fl_set_input(formats_->input_format, f.name.c_str());

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